Speed boating, water skiing….could I ever think of these a year back? Looks and might sound scary but the adrenaline burst after the boating / skiing is just too intense… Your heart throbs and your hands become cold when you get on to that, but once you set sail, it’s just too much fun… Adventure is mostly fun… Will be (water) skiing next week and I hope that it is just another amazing experience to make you smile for a really long time, that feeling of satisfaction and that feeling of happiness can be had from these little adventures and happiness does not always come from big achievements…
To some people, satisfaction comes from enjoying someone else’s company, but to me satisfaction comes from small things in life which I have never done before, can come from something big also, but haven’t come across that big thing yet..!
It’s important that we keep alive the child in us so that our life is not dull and mundane… It’s important that we realize that there is a positive side of every negative thing happening and once we look at that positive side of the negative incident, life becomes more enjoyable and more fun filled and you become a more matured person and complete and you will get over with any negative down turn quickly, trust me it works!
That life is not just only a means of earning money and leading a conventional family life but that it involves a lot many things which one should experience and feel is so damn important for everyone to realize, and I pity those who do not realize this and make themselves a money making machine…. Why do we do something which everyone does, why not we try doing something that’s totally different and new, something which we never thought off before (refer to blog-entry about inhibitions)…. Enjoy each moment and see the beauty of it and feel the difference… Every moment brings to you an opportunity and it is upto us to make full use of it and achieve the most of it…
Now let me tell you all something other than my realizations (and philosophy), that is, I will now blabber about my work and how ‘bad’ is my mentor… Well, my guide is not actually bad at all. He is a lovely person who makes it a point that I actually understand each bit of everything that he assigns me and makes sure that I do all my desk work properly. So there is no scope I can fool him, and why should I, if I do it, it’ll be my loss. I am getting paid to learn something, so why not make most out of it… Its just that I sometimes feel irritated with the work load, but then again, this is NOTHING compared to what future has in store for me. So I should take a cue from this as to what my future can be like…
My office is damn cool and is definitely equipped with all the modern amenities one could think of. The food, as I was told, is not so marvelous, but yes, I am definitely getting to eat better food than what I get to eat in Delhi…
People here in Mumbai are very helpful and almost everyone will help you with the bus routes and train routes… Not only that they’ll make sure to remind you to get down at the right station when the station arrives they will also end up chatting with you, so much so that you will want them to keep shut after a point of time, can we think of this helpful attitude in Delhi? There people will probably send you in the opposite direction or will be very rude with you… There is a way of saying “I don’t know”, which Mumbai people will tell you sweetly but Delhi people won’t… Surely, Delhi is still a bad place to live and I would never ever want to settle there….
Love the sea, love the sound of the waves hitting the land and love the cool breeze…. After a long time I did had a meeting with the sea and didn’t want the meeting to be so short lived… Guess there will be another one in the near future and hope that it’ll be a real long one…!
To some people, satisfaction comes from enjoying someone else’s company, but to me satisfaction comes from small things in life which I have never done before, can come from something big also, but haven’t come across that big thing yet..!
It’s important that we keep alive the child in us so that our life is not dull and mundane… It’s important that we realize that there is a positive side of every negative thing happening and once we look at that positive side of the negative incident, life becomes more enjoyable and more fun filled and you become a more matured person and complete and you will get over with any negative down turn quickly, trust me it works!
That life is not just only a means of earning money and leading a conventional family life but that it involves a lot many things which one should experience and feel is so damn important for everyone to realize, and I pity those who do not realize this and make themselves a money making machine…. Why do we do something which everyone does, why not we try doing something that’s totally different and new, something which we never thought off before (refer to blog-entry about inhibitions)…. Enjoy each moment and see the beauty of it and feel the difference… Every moment brings to you an opportunity and it is upto us to make full use of it and achieve the most of it…
Now let me tell you all something other than my realizations (and philosophy), that is, I will now blabber about my work and how ‘bad’ is my mentor… Well, my guide is not actually bad at all. He is a lovely person who makes it a point that I actually understand each bit of everything that he assigns me and makes sure that I do all my desk work properly. So there is no scope I can fool him, and why should I, if I do it, it’ll be my loss. I am getting paid to learn something, so why not make most out of it… Its just that I sometimes feel irritated with the work load, but then again, this is NOTHING compared to what future has in store for me. So I should take a cue from this as to what my future can be like…
My office is damn cool and is definitely equipped with all the modern amenities one could think of. The food, as I was told, is not so marvelous, but yes, I am definitely getting to eat better food than what I get to eat in Delhi…
People here in Mumbai are very helpful and almost everyone will help you with the bus routes and train routes… Not only that they’ll make sure to remind you to get down at the right station when the station arrives they will also end up chatting with you, so much so that you will want them to keep shut after a point of time, can we think of this helpful attitude in Delhi? There people will probably send you in the opposite direction or will be very rude with you… There is a way of saying “I don’t know”, which Mumbai people will tell you sweetly but Delhi people won’t… Surely, Delhi is still a bad place to live and I would never ever want to settle there….
Love the sea, love the sound of the waves hitting the land and love the cool breeze…. After a long time I did had a meeting with the sea and didn’t want the meeting to be so short lived… Guess there will be another one in the near future and hope that it’ll be a real long one…!
someones enjoying himself thoroughly..and did i tell you if you stay up to this you will end up right next to aristotle :)
good work.
yes i cn very well imagin d fun u had!!!i wud hav gon crazyyyy...ahhhh im jealous!:(
this z exactly wat i always say.u always rubbished dat.n dere u are, voicing the same thoughts!!!!!
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